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0161 477 9877


Quality Stage Hire, Exhibition & Event Management

H2 Events are a leading North West based event management company specialing in portable stage hire, custom built exhibition stands, conference sets, exhibition and event management. This also includes an exhibition stand and conference set hiring service.

From creative solutions to dedicated logistical support, we offer the ultimate in event services to our wide variety of clients. With over 100 years' experience collectively in the industry, we approach both large and small events in exactly the same way – a strong management presence and complete focus on client satisfaction.

For us, the customer really is our number one priority. Our main barometer for success is client satisfaction. As a result, our central goal is the same as yours: to put on the best event possible. It is through this shared goal that we provide the most effective, powerful events management service in the Greater Manchester region.

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As conference organisers we can arrange conference sets and event table layouts.

Our core services

Professional Conference Organiser
Venue Sourcing
Exhibition Management
Custom Exhibition Stand Design
Full Shell Scheme and Electrical Services & Build Service
Staging Hire and tiered seating
Theatre Production Set and Stage
Preparation & Presentation of Bid
On-Line Delegate Management Services
Health & Safety Documentation
On-Line Accommodation Services
Visual Design Services
Graphic Print and Production Services
Computer Aided Design Services
Audio Visual Management Services
Event Financial and Planning Services

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Some of our clients

Our event management clients include Manchester Cancer Research Centre, Oticon and Starkey, amongst others.

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Call us now to discuss how we can help you with next event! 0161 477 9877

Member and supporter organisations

Our member and supporter organisations, including Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, ICCA and IATA, amongst others.
Copyright © H2 Events Ltd.
Website design: Steve Cripps Graphic Design
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