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Call us now to discuss your event!

0161 477 9877


A large scale event from H2 Events Management company in Stockport, Cheshire.

Company Compliance Statement
This Statement is made to comply with The Companies Act 2006
This Web Site is wholly owned and managed by H2 EVENTS
Our principal geographic and registered office address is:
The Events Suite, Bryant House, 61-63 Wellington Road North, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 1HS

Registered in England and Wales: 3307669 VAT number: 871 4789 82

We are committed to clarity in pricing which is unambiguous, although this site does not contain pricing information. H2 operates a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for further details please click here. Alternatively you can call us on 0161 477 9877 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Get in touch...

From creative solutions to dedicated logistical support we offer the ultimate in service to our clients. Our highly skilled and experienced staff look forward to your enquiry.

Telephone (Head Office & Southport Office)
0161 477 9877


H2 Events,
The Events Suite, Bryant House,
61-63 Wellington Road North,
Stockport, Cheshire.

Call us now to discuss how we can help you with next event! 0161 477 9877

Member and supporter organisations

Our member and supporter organisations, including Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, ICCA and IATA, amongst others.
Copyright © H2 Events Ltd.
Website design: Steve Cripps Graphic Design
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